Milk Milk is a kitchen staple that deserves a permanent place in your fridge. Its versatility is unmatched. It’s often the key ingredient in baked goods like cakes and muffins, and the base for comforting hot cocoa. Milk is a must-have for both nutrients and flavor in your kitchen. Milk is an excellent source of […]
October 27, 2023
You might think that undereating and overeating are two entirely separate issues, but the reality is: they are connected in a cycle known as the The Binge-Restrict Cycle. It’s a paradoxical relationship, where undereating often causes overeating. This can be a distressing pattern that affects both your physical and emotional well-being. Restricting your food intake, […]
I work with a lot of former athletes. From collegiate athletes to endurance athletes and everything in between. Even though I “retired” from my sport over 10 years ago, it has taken me years to approach movement in an enjoyable way. What demotivates us from joyful movement? Several factors can demotivate us from joyful movement. […]
Back in 2015, one of my preceptors asked me if I had ever heard of Intuitive Eating. I had not. Quite honestly, it wasn’t a message I was quite ready for. I was really deep in my disordered eating and Intuitive Eating wasn’t part of the curriculum. Simply stated, honor our hunger has become complicated, […]
Protein is undoubtedly essential for various bodily functions, including tissue repair and hormone production, however, our current health and wellness culture tends to overemphasize the importance of protein. This has convinced us to believe that everything we consume needs to be high-protein. From high-protein ice cream and waffles and everything in between. According to the […]
Updated October 27, 2023 Distinguishing a nutritionist from a health coach or a Registered Dietitian can become difficult for individuals seeking nutrition services. What is a Nutritionist? A nutritionist does not need to have any specific schooling, certifications, or license. Anyone who claims any knowledge of nutrition at any level can call themselves a nutritionist. […]
Anti-diet professionals believe our culture’s deeply held belief that thinness and dieting are not based in health. Here is my round-up of 12 Anti-diet accounts you should follow.
I hope you were able to catch my IG Live. As promised, I wanted to talk about how to pass the RD Exam on the first attempt. According to the Academy, in 2020, 67.3% of dietitians passed their RD Exam on their first attempt. Before you get too caught up in the statistics remember, you aren’t […]
On March 6, 2020, I had an in-person interview for the one and only dietetic internship program I had applied to. The truth was- I withdrew my application from two other programs after my brother passed away. My dream program was at the University of Houston. The school my brother had planned to attend after […]
Best believe, I am not your typical dietitian. I use realistic and proven strategies to help folks enjoy mealtime again. Learn more about me.
I'm a dietitian helping folks with diabetes, disordered eating, and eating disorders enjoy mealtime again. Do you wake up Monday morning with a big smile on your face because your client told you they didn't feel bad for enjoying some Oreos over the weekend? (Noooo? Just me?) I'm not your typical dietitian. Our Joy Full Nutrition approach uses realistic and proven strategies to help folks enjoy eating again while managing your health goals. Learn more about me.
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